Good Acts Projects

Growing Hydroponics

Growing Hydroponics

Growing Hydroponics – All plants need at least some water to grow, from cactus to hydrilla, plants vary in their need for water (H2O) depending on genus. Every plant is different in their need for the amount of water their roots require, which also determines the root’s uptake abilities for nutrients. These required nutrients for growing are not found in tap water. In fact tap water has a multitude of chemicals in it used to treat the water for “health and safety standards.”

Texas Health Co-op

Texas Health Co-op

Texas Health Co-op | Cannabis Stock Market – Welcome to the Stock Market of Cannabis.

We provide an effective way to evaluate the cost to grow as well as the geological footprint of a plant, for farm to table use, by placing a value on each of the conditions needed and used to grow the plant to full maturity.

THC Science Wiki -There are several areas of Research going on across the planet that are focused on the molecular properties of the Cannabis plant. From root to trichrome this site aims to offer as much science and discovery as we can find focusing in on the cannabis plants. Bringing Science to the Cannabis Conversation.

We Grow Live

We Grow Live

We Grow Live – We Grow Live has created an automated greenhouse that can be monitored and controlled in real time.

Capturing the data from the grow operation and having the output(s) analyzed by a cognitive computing system will build a foundation for machine learning.

This will allow for optimal nutritional value and maximum plant growth.

This information can also be used to create a predictive growth chart for future growing projects.